Archive for January, 2013

  • Episode 7 – Dustin Hubel, A Dude of Hooping

    Date: 2013.01.30 | Category: PODCAST! | Response: 0

    Hello hoopers, hoopers in the making and hooper lovers!

    Ooops! I was hoping to have this up before New Year’s Eve. Oh well…

    Long time no podcast! Sorry about that. I have an 8-year-old computer and it was full of photos, music and other podcasts. It’s not like I haven’t been doing hoop stuff…quite the contrary.

    I had this interview sitting on the recording device that I’m still borrowing from my friend, Joel. Thank you, Joel!

    Anyway, I interviewed Dustin Hubel and his lovely wife, Kay, on their honeymoon tour back in May – MAY!!! – of 2012. How embarrassing. His workshop on isolations and hooping with twins/doubles was amazing and so challenging. My brain definitely shorted out a few times! Despite that, he was a delight.  :-)

    Listen for yourselves!

    Thank you, Dustin & Kay!

    Dustin Hubel

    Dustin’s Facebook Page
    Revolva Hoopdance Article about Dustin & Kay’s Wedding
    Dudes of Hooping Calendar



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