Archive for February, 2012

  • A Promise

    Date: 2012.02.20 | Category: HulaHoopla, Performance, PODCAST!, The Spinnerettes | Response: 0

    I swear I will put episode 5 of the podcast with Annie Land up soon.  I promise!

    So here’s what’s been going on with me…finished rebuilding a 1977 VW bus engine; learned how to play a song on the ukulele for a performance; put together a new hoop troupe called The Spinnerettes (more on that to come!); performed with said ukulele and hoop troupe with the new Atomic Pro; decided to declutter my life of belongings and create a living space in my basement.

    So as lame as my promise may seem, my intent is still there!!  I PROMISE. :-)

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