• Rose City School of Burlesque Graduate

    Date: 2011.03.24 | Category: Exploring The Path, Performance | Tags: ,,,

    Rose City School of Burlesque Graduate

    Chica Vroom Graduates!

    Wow! Still recovering from the adrenaline crash.  The night was a blur but what I know is that the whole experience was exhilarating.  I didn’t get to see my classmates perform.  I guess I was scared to be seen beforehand.  Why? Who knows.  It was thrilling to listen to the music and the crowd roar for them.

    As for my performance, I can see the lights and hear the cheering and remember thinking about the prop and clothing malfunctions but rather than berating myself, I smile.  I did it!  Hoop Burlesque! And I loved it!!!

    Now it’s time to start on the second number and polish the first.  Hauling a metal clothing wardrobe to support a shower curtain is a lot of work!

    Thank you for all the love and support.  And to my Rose City School of Burlesque classmates, you are amazing and I am so grateful to have met you and shared this amazing experience with you.  Also, my instructors kicked ass!  Holly Dai, Meghan Mayhem, Zora Phoenix and Tana the Tattooed Lady.

    Vroom Vroom!