Archive for October, 2010
Over-the-hump-day Hoopling with the LooLoo’s!
Come play with the LooLoo’s EVERY Thursday at the Bamboo Grove (except Thanksgiving — gotta nap!) starting November 4th. All levels welcome!
Take a break from your busy work week and learn basic hoop moves, parctice new tricks, play, dance, get inspired, de-stress, relax and go bcak to work recharged! We will provide hoops and music but feel free to bring in your iPods & MP3 players to share your favorite hoop tunes.
LOCATION: 134 SE Taylor Avenue, PDX.
The entrance is on SE 2nd Avenue between the two potted bamboo plants.
TIME: 12pm – 2pm
FEE: $3 minimum donationWho are the LooLoo’s?
The LooLoo’s are a killer performance hoop troupe comprised of Jill (aka Queen Loo) of Hoop to My Loo, myself (aka Bad Kitty Loo) of HulaHoopla, ZigZagLoo, and Trish (aka Doctor Spin). -
New Space!
Found, fell in love and FINALLY booked the space I was meant to be in…The Village Ballroom.
Classes start in January 2011 – stay tuned!
The LooLoos
Queen Loo, Bad Kitty Loo, and TBA Loo had their first rehearsal last night – AWESOME!!!
We’re available NOW for parties, BTW. Woo Hoo(p)! -
I’m slowly adding links to this blog because I want to support the hooping community. If you’re a hooper and your site isn’t on here…give it time, I’ll get there!
Hoopy Day!